Editorial Archive


Fast Search

Easily search for archived content by publication, edition, date, keyword, author, and more. Benefit from fully indexed text search capabilities, ensuring you can quickly locate any piece of editorial content.


Automatic Archiving

Automate the archiving process after an edition is paginated and marked for archiving. Export pictures, text, and other story elements to the archive database. PDF pages are registered and linked to archived page elements, with a full text index generated during the process.


Picture Archive

Store all pictures associated with a story, complete with crop data from the Pongrass Editorial System. Efficiently browse pictures using JPEG previews from the archive. Locate images through story links or IPTC data searches


User-Defined Retention Policies

Set custom retention periods for live data, ensuring your primary system remains clutter-free. Tailor retention policies to suit your organization’s specific needs and compliance requirements.


Easy Restoration

Quickly and easily restore archived content for reuse. Whether you need to bring back an entire article or just specific media elements, the archive makes the process simple and efficient.


Secondary Database for Clutter Reduction

By archiving to a secondary database, you maintain a streamlined and efficient primary system. This reduces storage costs and improves overall system performance, allowing your editorial team to focus on current content without being bogged down by historical data.

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