Ad Archive


Integrated Archiving

The Ad Archive seamlessly integrates with the Pongrass Juggler production system, storing ad production files and data in a unified archive and retrieval system. It acts as a client to an extended version of the Advertising database, ensuring easy deployment.


Automatic Archiving

Ads are automatically archived along with production files, booking data, version information, and thumbnails. Retention periods are determined by site- and customer-specific parameters, ensuring compliance and efficient storage.


Effortless Ad Search

Quickly search for archived ads using JPEG previews. Ads can be found by various criteria, including customer ID, booking reference, publication date, and content, providing a streamlined search experience.


Multiple Versions Stored

Store multiple versions of the same ad, including PDF and thumbnail previews. This ensures all versions are readily available for reference or reuse.



Immediate Accessibility

Restored ads and related components are immediately accessible to the Juggler ad production system, allowing for quick and efficient reuse in new publications.


Custom Retention Parameters

Define custom retention periods for ads based on site- and customer-specific needs. This flexibility helps manage storage efficiently while meeting business requirements.

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